After several recent lost hard-disks I've come to the realization that quality of hard-disks are not what they once were. Therefore I'll post a few articles of how to conquer that beast once and for all.
The problem is that a fool-proof backup system suitable for a hobbyist is difficult to do. How to know that it works until you really need it, and how to actually remember all you need to know when time comes? The better the system, the less likely it is that you need to restore and that time will pass until you do need to recapitulate both your data and your memory of how you've stored.
Furthermore, I don't trust all the backup systems. What happens if they fail? Do you really know how to run them? What if they break, can you afford a consultant to fix things for you? As a hobbyist, one ore more of the previous questions are likely answered to your disadvantage.
I.e. what you *really* need instead are the following:
- A very simple system, something that you can understand and trust.
- A well planned schedule
- 2 backup destinations, at least one not part of the system you're backing up
- A automated e-mail reminder
- A bunch of DVD's and a burner
- A safe
This article describes the first point. Consider the following script (
export TS=`date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S`
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "Error $0: Arg #1 needs to be the base name of the package." 1>&2
exit -1
if [ -z $2 ]; then
echo "Error $0: Arg #2 needs to be the number of backups to keep" 1>&2
exit -1
if [ -z $3 ]; then
echo "Error $0: Arg #3 needs to be the source path." 1>&2
exit -1
export FN_BASE=$1
export N_BACK=$2
export SOURCE=$3
function pack {
export OLDPWD=`pwd`
export FN=$FN_BASE-$TS
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "Error $0: Cant't determine where to put result file" 1>&2
exit -1
if [ -z $2 ]; then
echo "Error $0: Cant't determine the source path" 1>&2
exit -1
cd $2
DIRNAME=`pwd | sed -e 's/.*\///'`
if [ -z $DIRNAME ]; then
cd ..
echo "$0: Packing [$DIRNAME] as [$1/$FN.tar.gz]"
tar --one-file-system -czf $1/$FN.tar.gz $DIRNAME
function keeplast {
export OLDPWD=`pwd`
if [ -z $1 ]; then
echo "Error $0: Cant't determine where backus are" 1>&2
exit -1
if [ -z $2 ]; then
echo "Error $0: Don't know how many backups to keep" 1>&2
exit -1
cd $1
N_FILES=`ls | grep $FN_BASE | awk 'END{print NR}'`
let "N_DEL = $N_FILES - $2"
if [ $N_DEL -gt 0 ]; then
DFILES=`ls | grep $FN_BASE | sort -r | tail -$N_DEL`
echo "$0: Deleting obsolete backup(s): "
echo "$DFILES"
echo "================================================================================"
if [ -z $BACKUP1_PATH ]; then
echo "Error $0: BACKUP1_PATH needs to be set." 1>&2
exit -1
keeplast $BACKUP1_PATH $N_BACK
Define the environment variable $BACKUP1_PATH and your ready to backup. $BACKUP1_PATH should be on physically different disk (or network mount) than the one you're backing up.
Run your sript from command line first to test that it works: dayly-auser 7 /home/auser
A backup will be created in $BACKUP1_PATH at each run of the script with a filename containing a timestamp. The script will also tidy earlier backups, but keep the 7 last ones.
The example above shows backing uf a ceratin user, but the script can be used for any part of a system, including the complete system itself: server 3 /If you run the script as a cron job as root, you're a bin on your way of creating a safe, simple and fairly fool-proof automated backup system.
Come to think of it, I really have to teach my kids not to save all the garbage they find on the internet in their accounts. Maybe I should learn how to use that quota thingy as well...
Another thing that would be good to learn is how to get the server to scale down it's performance when it's not needed (i.e. how to get hard-disks to enter sleep mode and CPU frequency to adjust dynamically). I've lost three disks in a year, from not loosing 1 in 10 years before now, I'm seriously concerned about heat and component lifespan.