Thursday, June 4, 2009

Get VMWare player to support USB2.0

If you run say Windows XP as host OS under the free (as in free beer) VMWare player and you find yourself getting BSOD or notifications saying "this device can operate faster" when you attach a USB device to a USB port, then there's a good chance whoever created the VM didn't know how to configure it for VMWare player to use USB2.0. Note that it doesn't matter that your real HW does support USB2.0, VMWare historically didn't.

As of today's writing EasyVMX will not create VMs that will work with USB 2.0 properly.

In such case, make sure the following lines are in your .vmx file (you can edit it while the VM is not running):

virtualHW.version = "7"
usb.generic.autoconnect = "TRUE"
ehci.present = "TRUE"

Start up your VM again, wait for a minute or so until you get a message from Windows saying that something about "drivers have been updated" , and voilá - you have USB2.0 support.

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