Monday, November 18, 2013

Multiple NIC:s server behind NAT-router - part II

This part is actually harder to understand technically speaking, so for now I'm just going to leave you with a script that does the job. Invoke the script somewhere from init.rc, the order compared to the dyn-DNS script doesn't matter and it's perfectly alright to invoke this before the dyn-DNS script.

Note however that the script can fail if the NIC isn't ready when the script is run. It will also stop working if a NIC is removable (USB WLAN for example), in which case it has to be rerun as routing-tables will be flushed and internal IP-numbers probably different anyway thanks to DHCP. This script is robust however and you could add it to crontab as well, with a quite slow update rate say once an hour. Or better yet, have a daemon detect when a link is broken and reestablished and run the script then.

Also note, that even though one NIC will have a proper back-route in the default table, it doesn't hurt to add one more table/route/rule-set to cover the issue of not knowing which NIC:s will be up first and which ones will be secondary.

Here's the script. Invoke it with one argument, the NIC-name (you can get the NIC-names from the command ifconfig):

Basically, what the script is doing is creating a new table for each new interface it's ever seen (which shouldn't be too many), and to this table create a specific routing table with it's own default route (which will be the "router" that's on the same sub-net as the NIC).

To that table there's also rules saying "what-ever comes in, must go back the same way".

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